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Is Direct House Buyer’s Claim Of Offering 95% to 100% Of Market Value Too Good To Be True?

Susan Jones will buy your house

Susan Jones will buy your house

Direct House Buyer is a property company based in the UK that specialises in buying houses in a very short time frame. They aim to help homeowners across the country to sell their properties quickly while still getting a reasonable offer. They claim that 80% of people who contact Direct House Buyers are given a better offer than they have received from other similar companies.

Updated and revised for March, 2025

As Direct House Buyer has six different methods available to buy houses, they can tailor their service to your individual situation in order to get the best offer for your home. They aim to offer as close to 100% of the homes market value as possible, and they have an extensive network of private investors on hand to purchase houses quickly. If a speedy sale is required, Direct House Buyer have their own cash funds which they will also use to buy property in a very limited timescale.

The Premise

Direct House Buyer has a straightforward process for getting your home sold quickly and easily. The first step is to get in touch with their experienced purchasing team who will provide you with information on the different offers available and discuss how they can be tailored to suit your needs.

These offers vary depending on the property location and the timescale you need to sell in, once they have this information they can provide an initial offer over the phone. If you are satisfied with this preliminary offer, they will arrange to visit your home for a full inspection and get an independent RICs valuation completed within 48 hours.

After this official valuation, Direct House Buyer will make a formal offer for the property which depends on the house itself and also the sales method you choose. If you accept the offer, they will arrange a completion date that suits you and instruct solicitors to process the sale.

Contact Details

Address:1 Eldon Place, Westbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH4 9AZ
Telephone: 0150 559 5000

Sales options and pricing

Direct House Buyer have six different sales options for properties in the UK, with the most popular being the quick cash purchase. A quick cash purchase can be processed in a short amount of time, making it ideal for those looking to sell their home quickly. If you are not so limited on the timescale, you may want to choose another option where you are more likely to get a better offer for your home, such as their assisted sale product but the sale may take longer.

Direct House Buyer does not publish any information on any additional charges and fees associated with selling your home with their services, as they offer a range of different selling products these fees may vary from product to product. All charges, fees and products can be discussed with their team of professionals when you are deciding which sales options works best for you and your home. If any additional charges do occur, they will be included in the final offer.

What are the positives of Direct House Buyer?

Direct House Buyer offers a range of different sales options for getting properties sold fast. They have a team of experts who work with you to choose the best sales option for you and your situation and strive to reach their offer as close the market value as possible.

They have both a network of investors and their own funds to be able to buy a property as a cash buyer, meaning they are well positioned to arrange house sales very quickly. All offers are free to receive, and you have no obligation to take it any further if the offer isn’t for you.

What are the negatives of Direct House Buyer?

Direct House Buyer offer limited information on their sales options, pricing and previous house sales. The best way to find out more about their services is to call their team of experts. There are no reviews online from previous customers, and they are not members of the National Association of Property Buyers.


Direct House Buyer claim to offer 95% to 100% of market value for many properties, however, this is completely dependent on the method of sale chosen and the property itself. For a fast property sale, they will offer significantly less than the market value through their quick cash sale product. If you want to receive an offer that is close to the market value of a property, it is advised to choose one of Direct House Buyer’s other products such as assisted property sale.

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